Britain’s largest tabletop gaming event, UK Games Expo (UKGE), has announced its own miniature painting contest, the pun-tastic Sir Coates Painting Masters, which will be in partnership with the Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy.
The UK leads the world when it comes to painting fantasy and science fiction miniatures in terms of fun if nothing else. The world-famous mini-painting contest, Golden Demon, has been around since 1987 but is restricted to Games Workshop products only. UKGE’s new contest opens the playing field to a much broader array of models and ways to paint them.
The competition will be part of UKGE, which is happening at the NEC Birmingham from 30th May to 1st June 2025. It’s open to everyone, regardless of skill and experience. Entries need to be delivered in person at the event. Every entrant will get a pin badge, with brass badges for finalists and a trophy for the winner. The categories include:
- Single Miniature: Your usual single figure.
- Squad/Unit: Three or more models that look like a squad
- Vehicle: Tanks, spaceships, things that go clank
- Monster: Dragons, Krakens, huge alien horrors
- Board Games: Models that come with a board game and are intended for that game.
Squires: This category is for entrants 15 years of age and under. Any single miniature can be entered into this category from Monsters, single miniature, or vehicle.
A handy FAQ can be found here. Good luck to any and all entrants.