American Horror Story

I know I’ve banged on about it in the past, but I surely can’t be the only one who felt a little burnt when showrunner Ryan Murphy announced that the second season of AMERICAN HORROR STORY would forgo all plot threads from the first and tell a whole new story. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all up for the anthology approach, but wasn’t there a way you could at least continue the mythology set up in the first even though the setting has changed? Case in point: last we saw of Denis O’Hare’s Larry Harvey, he was being sent to a mental institution. Couldn’t they have simply set the whole thing there, thus allowing eventual resolution of Jessica Lange’s Constance Langdon and her raising of the Harmon devil-spawn. The one prophesied to bring about Armageddon? Ryan Murphy musn’t have thought that was too important to viewers who had hung on the every word of the first 12 episodes, and set about bringing a lot of his main cast back in all new roles. Oh, and it’s set in a mental institution.

If season one truly felt like a completed narrative, I’d be anticipating this new one a whole lot more. 

Okay, boring rant over. Let’s have a look-see at the first bit of footage from AMERICAN HORRY STORY: ASYLUM…


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