Comedy Central has greenlit a series order for Golden Axe, a new, 10-episode animated series based on the classic side-scrolling action game. Produced by CBS Studios with Sony Pictures Television and Original Film, Golden Axe has already lined up an impressive voice cast: Matthew Rhys (The Americans, Perry Mason), Danny Pudi (Mythic Quest, Community), Lisa Gilroy, Liam McIntyre (Spartacus), and Carl Tart.
Golden Axe is described as a hilarious and loving homage to the 1989 Sega video game series, and follows warriors Ax Battler, Tyrus Flare, and Gilius Thunderhead as they once again battle to save Yuria from the evil giant Death Adder, who just can’t seem to stay dead. Except this time, the heroes have the inexperienced and underprepared Hampton Squib on their side.
Rhys voices Gilius Thunderhead, a grumpy battle dwarf with poor hygiene and a chip on his shoulder. Pudi voices Squib, a first-time adventurer who has dreamt of questing his entire life. Gilroy portrays Tyrus Flare, a fearsome battle sorceress, deadly in a fight and even deadlier with her sharp wit. McIntyre plays Ax Battler, a barbarian warrior with a strict code of honour and a heart of gold. Tart is Chronos ‘Evil’ Lait, a humanoid panther.
Mike McMahanand Joe Chandler will co-write the first episode and executive produce the series, with Chandler serving as showrunner.