Iconic children’s characters, The Smurfs, are to get their own new and novel table top game as part of the franchise’s 65th anniversary.
The game will be crowd-funded later this year and will be designed by Maestro Media, who specialise in the more unusual end of things; previous games include the sinister Sally Face Strange Nightmares and the warped Binding of Issac: Four Souls.
The Smurfs began as a Belgian comic strip back in 1958 before swiftly becoming one of the world’s largest fantasy franchises. “The Smurfs are one of the most recognisable brands in the world with a long history of licensed products, iconic TV shows, films and more,” said Javon Frazier, Founder and CEO of Maestro Media.
The game, called Smurfs’ Hidden Village, is being designed by renowned game designers Antoine Bauza (Ghost Stories, 7 Wonders), Corentin Lebrat (Draftsaurus, Flying Goblins), Ludovic Maublanc (Dice Town, Cash’ N Guns) and Théo Rivière (Sea of Clouds, Sticky Chameleons) – known collectively as The Kaedama Team – and has you and your friends play as Smurfs who are tasked with rebuilding the mushroom village from scratch following the evil sorcerer Gargamel’s latest scheme. To succeed, you’ll need to work together as a team, collecting resources, building inventions, and locating missing Smurfs to help rebuild mushroom houses. Each Smurf has a unique set of skills that you must use strategically to outsmart Gargamel and his cat Azrael.
It should be a fun, if weird, game. You can find more via smurfshiddenvillage.com.