Lee Cronin, the director of the upcoming Evil Dead Rise, is partnering with New Line to direct an original horror feature, Thaw. THR also writes that Cronin will rework the current draft.

Set years after the polar ice caps have melted and sea levels have risen, the story of Thaw centres on a group of survivors at sea searching for a new home. Their prayers are answered with the discovery of an inhabitable town – that is, until they encounter a new nightmare living just below the water’s surface.

Thaw was initially written by Jeremy Passmore, who developed the project as an original spec with Adam Goldworm of Aperture, his manager. Passmore has previously worked with New Line on their Dwayne Johnson-starring disaster film San Andreas.

Cronin’s debut feature, The Hole in the Ground (read our interview with Cronin here), premiered at Sundance in 2019 to critical acclaim. He received a similar reception recently when Evil Dead Rise premiered at South by Southwest. The latest entry in the popular horror franchise releases on April 21st.

There currently isn’t any further information on who may star in Thaw, nor when it might release, but stay tuned for more as we learn it.

Read our interview with EVIL DEAD RISE star Alyssa Sutherland in the latest issue of STARBURST MAGAZINE (available to order below), and watch this space for our new interview with LEE CRONIN coming soon!

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