Two years ago, while Liverpudlian children’s author and DOCTOR WHO fan TOMMY DONBAVAND was receiving treatment for throat cancer – and therefore unable to perform the school visits which made up the income with which he supported his family – the fan community rallied around and published A TARGET FOR TOMMY, a collection of DOCTOR WHO short stories the proceeds of which would help provide for Donbavand during his treatment. The good news was that Tommy defeated the throat cancer, and last year his life returned to something approaching normal.
Sadly, that wasn’t the end of it. Recently, Tommy discovered that he now has a tumour on his lung – and so OBVERSE BOOKS are publishing A SECOND TARGET FOR TOMMY, another short fiction anthology along a theme of DOCTOR WHO, only this time, there is a rather surprising inclusion. Exiting showrunner STEVEN MOFFAT has contributed something rather special and that DOCTOR WHO fans have been hoping to see for the last four years.
Here’s what the press release has to say:
“Including – for the first time ever! – the script of a crucial scene from an early draft of DOCTOR WHO’s 50th Anniversary Special, The Day of the Doctor, featuring the Ninth Doctor, Christopher Eccleston, and kindly provided by outgoing WHO showrunner, Steven Moffat! With stories from over two dozen writers, every penny of profit raised will go to support Tommy while he works on making a full recovery.”
Ever since The Day of the Doctor’s broadcast, fans have speculated about whether Eccleston would have been involved and what the nature of that involvement might be. Now, by buying A SECOND TARGET FOR TOMMY, fans will be able to find out.
And while any charity anthology is worthwhile, of course, we think you’ll agree that that’s two good reasons for buying this one. It’s rare that you can do something for charity and see exactly where the money’s going and who is to benefit from it.
There are over two dozen stories in the book, including contributions from BBC Books writers JON BLUM and KATE ORMAN, and further details plus the chance to pre-order are available on the OBVERSE website here.