Despite initial trepidation, Paramount Pictures’ Sonic the Hedgehog proved to be an absolute blast. And now, it’s great to hear that a sequel has been officially given the green light.
Courtesy of Variety, that first film’s director Jeff Fowler will be returning to helm the second outing for the furry blue speedster. Likewise, Sonic screenwriters Pat Casey and Josh Miller will be back to pen this follow-up.
There’s no word just yet on who’ll be appearing in the picture, it seems likely that Ben Schwartz will be back to lend his vocals to Sonic, and Jim Carrey also seems a shoe-in to pick up his Doctor Robotnik role.
Sonic the Hedgehog ended with the tease of more to come, with a Colleen Villard-voiced Tails making a post-credits appearance. Similarly, the end of the film saw the promise of more chaos from Carrey’s Robotnik.
Released earlier this year, Sonic the Hedgehog took a worldwide box office haul of $306 million from a budget of approximately $90 million.
As ever, expect more on this Sonic sequel as we get it.