In some intriguing news, Amazon and Sony are teaming on a new horror anthology.
Courtesy of Variety, the two powerhouses are coming together for an anthology feature titled The Fear Collection.
Amazon Prime Video and Sony Pictures International Production have agreed a multi-movie deal with Witching and Bitching, The Day of the Beast, and The Oxford Muders’ Alex de la Iglesia. The filmmaker will direct or produce entries of The Fear Collection.
The current plan is for these feature films to first be given a theatrical release by Sony, before heading to Amazon Prime in Spain. Sony will retain the distribution rights for other markets.
On this news, de la Iglesia enthused, “The concept is to make a collection of films that unveil a universe of horror beyond time. The characters face supernatural forces that threaten humanity. The idea is to generate a label of films with a specific character, Cosmic Horror.”
It’s expected that this deal will see two movies a year produced, with directors and screenwriters with a penchant for genre being scouted.
As ever, expect more on The Fear Collection as we get it.