These days, any comic book with any sort of reputation and following seems to have a chance of being adaptation for the big or small screen. And now, the brilliant Injection has been confirmed for the adaptation treatment.

As per The Hollywood Reporter, Universal Cable Productions has optioned the rights to Warren Ellis’ much-loved ongoing series.

Injection began life back in 2015, with Ellis bringing in Declan Shalvey and Jordie Bellaire to work on the art of the tale. In terms of premise, the loose story of Injection centres on five people with some incredible skillsets who are brought together by the British government. After discovering what could lie ahead for mankind, the group decide to put together a new form of artificial intelligence made up of technology and magic. From there, the five have to deal with the repercussions of their creation and the notion that the world is slowly becoming a place that might just be too advanced and odd to support human life.

Expect more on this as it continues to develop.

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