Cool, another film about numerology! And from the director of SAW II, III, and IV to boot! Don’t all rush at once.

Seriously though, the trailer had kinda won me over by the end – I’m a sucker for a good apocalyptic chiller – see what you guys think…

I really hope the numerology angle isn’t too overplayed in the movie, those of us who sat through the dreadful Jim Carrey vehicle THE NUMBER 23 can attest how deathly dull that subject can be. Just bring on the end of the world already!

Here’s the official synopsis should your interest have been tweaked…

“After the tragic death of his wife and child, famed American author Joseph Crone travels from the United States to Barcelona, Spain to reunite with his estranged brother Samuel and dying father, Richard. However, fate has a different plan for Joseph as his life becomes plagued with strange happenings, and the constant sightings of the number 11. Curiosity quickly turns to obsession, and Joseph soon realizes that this number holds a horrific meaning not only to himself but possibly to all of religion. Isolated in a foreign country with only the support of his companion, Sadie, Joseph soon realizes that 11/11/11 is more than just a date, it’s a warning!”

11-11-11 is released on… damn, I can’t remember now.

Planning to save the date for this one, or will you wait for DVD? (by which time the apocalypse will have come and gone). Share your thoughts in the Comments below!


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