Even though we reported on its resurrection just the other day, I (and many other staffers) were hoping desperately that Bryan Singer’s long-proposed BATTLESTAR GALACTICA reboot would eventually disappear back to the Development Hell whence it came. Sadly it doesn’t look like we’re going to get our wish.

Universal Pictures are in the process of signing BAND OF BROTHERS scribe John Orloff to pen the screenplay, which will, in a staggering display of originality, remake Glen Larson’s 1978 series. Y’know, just like Ronald D. Moore did with his highly acclaimed four season run that ended a mere 3 years ago?

Which is precisely why I (and those other staffers I mentioned earlier) just cannot fathom why this project is even happening. While the show had its fair share of problems (but come on, what show doesn’t?) it’s almost universally regarded amongst sci-fi fans as the definitive version of the property, even surpassing the original. No mean feat that.

What can Singer and Orloff possibly bring to the table that Moore and his creative team failed to cover? An appearance by Muffit II ? Turbocycles maybe?

And lest not forget Singer’s track record is patchy at best, for every X2 and USUAL SUSPECTS in his filmography you’ve got the criminally boring SUPERMAN RETURNS and VALKRIE to contend with.

This reboot can go Frak itself in my opinion.

Are you up for another version of BSG, or is Moore’s canon the final word on the story? Share your thoughts with your fellow readers in the Comments below or on Twitter @Starburst_Mag

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