With comic book adaptations a huge thing right now, now comes an update on the adaptation of Failsafe.
As per Deadline, Black Panther co-writer Joe Robert Cole is teaming with Michael B. Jordan – who played the nefarious Kilmonger in Black Panther – to develop a small screen take of Vault Comics’ graphic novel from F.J. Desanto and Todd Farmer. Netflix recently won the rights to the adaptation.
For those not too familiar with the source material, Failsafe focusses on John Ravane, an insurgent hunter who has had his fill of fighting the good fight. Following the kidnapping of his daughter, Ravane has to take out a whole bunch of nanotech-driven super soldiers. Having believed that he’d wiped out the last of these soldiers, we’re fast-forwarded a decade later as plentiful sleeper agents are activated with the sole purpose of taking over New York.
Cole is on writing duties for Failsafe, and Jordan will be producing alongside Alana Mayo through their Outlier Society Productions banner. At this stage, it remains to be seen whether the Creed actor will end up starring in the adaptation, with a decision on that expected to be made once the script has been completed.
As ever, expect more on all of this as it continues to develop.