A live-action television series based on the 2013 adventure fantasy trilogy from Chris Columbus (director of Harry Potter films and Home Alone; Gremlins writer), House of Secrets, is in development. Popular filmmaker Columbus co-authored the book series with the late Ned Vizzini, telling the story of three kids lost in a fantasy world who are trying to find their way home.

Destined for Disney+, House of Secrets revolves around three siblings: Brendan, Eleanor, and Cordelia Walker, who aren’t happy when their family moves into a creepy Victorian mansion that was once the home of famed occult novelist Denver Kristoff. The Walkers soon become trapped in the magical house, traveling through the fantastical and intertwined universes of Kristoff’s works.

“Chris, Michael [Barnathan] and Mark [Radcliffe] tell stories that resonate with multiple audiences, across generations and genres that deliver a sense of magic and wonderment through definitional characters,” said Ayo Davis from Disney Branded Television, who is overseeing the project. “There is so much affinity for their acclaimed films, and we are delighted to be working with them to develop House of Secrets into a thrilling Disney+ series.”

Film rights to the House of Secrets novels had been picked up by Rise Entertainment, with principal photography due to begin in January 2014, but this fell through. Since launching the Harry Potter films by directing the first two entries, Columbus has gone on to direct the less successful Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief, and executive produced Robert Eggers’ The Witch and The Lighthouseas well as Scoob!More details on the upcoming series as we get them.

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