It was only yesterday that Leah Gibson and Nathan Owens were announced as joining The CW’s Batwoman, and now we’ve got our first look at the show’s new Scarlet Knight.
If you remember, Ruby Rose opted to leave Batwoman after the show’s debut year, meaning that the series had a Kate Kane-shaped hole to fill should it wish to continue.
Since then, God Friended Me’s Javicia Leslie has landed the role of Kate’s successor, Ryan Wilder, and now Leslie has taken to social media to reveal a first glimpse of her in the cape ‘n’ cowl.
From this first look, it appears that Ryan Wilder will be donning the exact same wig and mask as the Kate Kane version of Batwoman – although it has been previously promised how Wilder will put her own spin on the Batsuit.
It’s believed that a key part of Batwoman’s second season will be the mysterious disappearance of Kate Kane/Batwoman from Gotham City. In her place, a new hero is forced to step up to the plate and take on the Batwoman moniker.
Season Two of Batwoman will premiere at some point in 2021.