You can now get your first look at the upcoming disturbing kitchen sink horror film CARA, directed by Hayden Hewitt (Lips) and starring Ellie O’Hara, Johnny Vivash, Laurence R. Harvey, Michaela Longden, and James Dreyfuss.
Synopsis: A history of abuse, a roommate who is coming apart, a failing career in online sex work, a father who can’t communicate and a mother who reaches out but says nothing. Cara’s [O’Hara] misery is wrapped up in the fear that her doctors are planning on sending her back to Sunnyside. An institution she believes allowed her to be horribly abused. Cara has been putting together a plan, a plan to make sure she doesn’t find herself institutionalized once again. A chance to break free of the chains binding her. Cara uses her broadcasts to fund her and viewers to help her make her plan a reality at a terrible cost.

CARA is produced by Black Octopus Production and will be released later in 2024.