Rik Carranza is the only Scottish/Filipino comic on the UK comedy circuit. Rik’s dual heritage gives him a wealth of funny stories from an intriguing perspective and experience. . We caught up with them to find out more about their Edinburgh Festival Fringe show, Rik Carranza Presents: Star Trek vs Star Wars….
STARBURST: How would you pitch Rik Carranza Presents: Star Trek vs Star Wars to a fan of the TV show Star Gate?
Rik Carranza: Star Trek, Star Wars, and Stargate fans. If there’s one thing that we can all agree on. Firefly deserved another series. In the meantime, while we’re waiting for that, laugh at comedians trying to justify why their franchise is better than the other. We all know you think it’s Stargate – it’s definitely better than one of them…
And how would you pitch it to someone who doesn’t know the difference between Star Trek and Star Wars?
Don’t know your Wookie from your Klingon, your Phaser from your blaster, or is it the Millennium Enterprise to you? I guarantee this show will make you laugh while you learn how an Empire was taken down by teddy bears.
Why is the rivalry between the two a thing?
The size and longevity of these two franchises. Aside from Doctor Who, there is no sci-fi franchise that is as long-running or as popular as either of them. Star Trek fans will tell you that Trek was first and is more cerebral. Star Wars fans will point out that if it wasn’t for Star Wars‘ success, there wouldn’t have been Star Trek: The Motion Picture. Not something I think Star Trek fans would consider showing off about.
How similar is this to other projects you’ve worked on?
Prior to this show, I had been doing pretty straightforward comedy shows. This was a chance for me to truly embrace that nerdy side of myself and have fun with other comedians on stage.
Why Edinburgh?
I love the Edinburgh Fringe. This will be my 11th as a performer. I get to work and play with fellow comedians that I may only see sporadically throughout the year. However, what I really love is that with so many people coming to the city to see shows, it’s a really good chance to find your audience.
Should we just ignore folk who are constantly negative about new SF shows?
Yes and no. There are definitely people who are constantly negative no matter what is done, but some criticism is valid. I personally feel that while I am happy that we’ve had four new Star Trek series and over 11 new Star Wars series as well as five movies in recent times, I sometimes think quality over quantity is key.
What is your favourite moment in the show?
The Ultimate Knowledge round at the end, where I test not just the comedian’s general knowledge of their franchise but also the audience!
What about The Orville?
I loved the early seasons of The Orville. It felt like a fun, silly homage to Star Trek, but I felt the last season took itself too seriously, and it lost a bit of what made the first two seasons so special.
Where else can we see you?
I have a kid’s show, Marvel vs DC, at 11:45 at the Counting House, and I’ll be doing various spots around the Fringe. I also have a YouTube and Twitch channel you can catch me on!
What’s next?
Star Trek vs Star Wars will be on the road to a couple of places I can’t confirm yet so keep an eye on that! I’ll also be hosting on stage at ACME Comic Con in Glasgow in September.
Simpsons or Futurama?
Futurama. Love the Simpsons but no episode comes close to Jurassic Bark for emotional impact.
Picard or Kirk?
Picard. He accepted baldness and made it look effortless.
Doctor Who or Doctor No?
Doctor Who. Allon-sy!
Truth or Beauty?
Is There in Truth No Beauty?