The Terminator franchise is back with Netflix’s upcoming animated reboot, Terminator Zero. Hailing from Japanese animation studio Production IG, best known for 1995’s Ghost in the Shell, the eight-episode series stars Sonoya Mizuno as the voice of resistance fighter Eiko. Though set in the same universe that we know from the films, the series introduces all-new characters.
Terminator Zero takes place across two timelines, “2022: A future war has raged for decades between the few human survivors and an endless army of machines. 1997: The AI known as Skynet gained self-awareness and began its war against humanity.”
Caught between the future and this past is a soldier Eiko (Mizuno) sent back in time to change the fate of humanity. She arrives in 1997 to protect a scientist named Malcolm Lee (André Holland) who works to launch a new AI system named Kokoro (Rosario Dawson) designed to compete with Skynet’s impending attack on humanity. As Malcolm navigates the moral complexities of his creation, he is hunted by an unrelenting assassin from the future (Timothy Olyphant as The Terminator) which forever alters the fate of his three children. Ann Dowd also stars as The Prophet, a philosophical guide for the human resistance.
Terminator Zero debuts on Netflix from August 29th. Watch the teaser trailer below: