In an unexpected turn of events, Neve Campbell is confirmed to be returning to the Scream franchise, after several upsets to the production of Scream VII. It’s particularly surprising news considering she famously sat out Scream VI over a salary dispute.
Campbell took to Instagram to announce her involvement, adding that franchise veteran Kevin Williamson will be directing. Williamson is, of course, the creator of the franchise, having penned the script to Wes Craven’s original film, as well as Scream 2 and Scream 4. Guy Busick (who wrote the most recent Scream (2022) and Scream VI) is taking over script duties from James Vanderbilt, who had to withdraw from the project due to clashing obligations.
It’s all good news after Scream VII faced numerous setbacks that called the franchise’s future into question, from Jenna Ortega exiting the film, the controversial firing of star Melissa Barrera over comments made about the Israel-Hamas war, and the exit of director Christopher Landon.
Neve Campbell writes: “I’m so excited to announce this news!!! Sidney Prescott is coming back!!!! It’s always been such a blast and an honor to get to play Sidney in the Scream movies. My appreciation for these films and for what they have meant to me, has never waned. I’m very happy and proud to say I’ve been asked, in the most respectful way, to bring Sidney back to the screen and I couldn’t be more thrilled!!! Well actually I could. While I’ve been so incredibly lucky to make these films with both the master of horror Wes Craven and the wonderfully talented Matt and Tyler team, I’ve dreamt for many years of how amazing it would be to make one of these movies with Kevin Williamson at the helm. And now it’s happening, Kevin Williamson is going to direct Scream 7! This was his baby and it’s his brilliant mind that dreamt up this world. Kevin is not just an inspiration as an artist but has been a dear friend for many years. To the amazing Scream fans, I hope you are as excited as I am.”