The previous season of Castlevania was something of holding pattern, a slower-paced affair after the sensational events that preceded it. With its fourth and final season however, the show has nothing to lose. And it goes out in a whirlwind of action and stellar detail, guaranteeing that the series is one of the strongest original shows Netflix has ever produced.
The minor pacing problems of season three are quickly forgotten. The finale is a compelling watch right from the word go. Whether you are blown away by voracious, stunningly rendered battles, or sucked in by brilliantly written dialogue and characterisation, it is always one hell of a ride. The final season thrives on changing power dynamics and spheres of influence, death making itself known alongside powerful themes like conquest, isolation, and ambition. From episodes six onwards, it is impossible to not be hooked by the action, beautifully animated as always, and fates changing in the blink of an eye. Castlevania’s transfixing storyline practically never misses a beat, and not for the first time.
The major players receive almost perfect endings, and the return of some apparently bygone faces builds up to the final, incredible twist that completes the series in the most satisfying way. It is a crying shame that this is the end, a fact that the show does not forget. In the calm after the storm, one character reflects that “it’s been a strange ride.” Strange indeed, but impeccable at every turn. Castlevania will forever remain a lesson in how to adapt video games and, more fundamentally, how to bring a stunning story to life.