Once upon a time (14 years ago, to be precise) Patrick Dempsey and Amy Adams starred together in Disney’s live-action musical, Enchanted. Adams was Giselle, a fairy tale princess who was banished to New York City by her evil stepmother (Susan Sarandon) before she could marry our favourite himbo, Prince Edward (James Marsden).
After landing herself in Times Square, Giselle is reluctantly taken in by divorce lawyer Robert Philip (Dempsey), and the two eventually fall in love. After all, what woman can resist an Upper West Side apartment? And what man wouldn’t fall in love with someone with the power to summon a city’s worth of CGI pigeons, rats, flies, and cockroaches?
However, it would seem that ‘happily ever after’ was not quite the end of the story for the power couple, as Dempsey recently confirmed he will return for the ominously titled sequel, Disenchanted. McDreamy broke the news during an interview with Good Morning America, revealing he had “just got this script for the second movie.” With the film planned for Disney+, Dempsey hopes that, coronavirus guidelines permitting, “we’ll start shooting that in the spring, which is exciting.”
Amy Adams will also return (obviously), and the sequel will reportedly find Giselle “questioning her happily ever after and accidentally triggering events that make everyone’s lives turn upside down in both the real world and in the animated kingdom of Andalasia.”
Fingers crossed for more magical singing and dancing throughout Central Park (and no, the cockroaches’ choreography in Cats did not hit the spot). Amy Adams in a big poofy dress is our last hope to distract us from this Grimm reality.