With Paramount eager to move forward with further Transformers movies, now comes word that the studio is at work on two further outings for the property.
Courtesy of The Hollywood Reporter, Paramount has brought in Joby Harold and James Vanderbilt to put together the screenplays for these two pictures. Army of the Dead’s Harold will pen one movie, while Zodiac’s Vanderbilt will write the other feature. Neither of these films have yet to find a director – although both films will be in production at the same time.
To date, the cinematic Transformers franchise has been made up of four main movies and the stunning Bumblebee spin-off/prequel. At this stage, it’s not known what direction these new films will take – whether they’ll be a continuation of Michael Bay’s four movies, whether they’ll pick things up in the aftermath of Bumblebee, or whether the picture will even start afresh. That said, there is some speculation that one of these films will be some sort of Beast Wars project.
Not only is Paramount still very much in the Transformers business, but the studio is also in various stages of development for Visionaries, ROM, Micronauts, and of course another G.I. Joe offering. The early word is that this is all to be part of a shared universe of films.
As ever, expect more on all of these properties as they continue to develop.