We warned you it was in development when we were discussing THE ASTEROIDS movie recently, but as of today SPACE INVADERS is officially a go picture!

TRANSFORMERS and G.I. JOE: RISE OF COBRA uber-producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura has now taken over the property with a view to turn the classic 80’s arcade machine into a new blockbuster franchise.

To be honest, we’ve said our all we can say on the issue of Hollywood’s depressing obsession with buying nonsensical, narratively empty properties in our ASTEROIDS coverage, so we’ll not repeat our rant here. At least SPACE INVADERS owes itself to the classic alien invasion formula.

Expect SPACE INVADERS to gobble even more coins than it’s arcade incarnation summer 2013.

Once all video and board games have run out, where will Hollywood go to next for their ideas? Thoughts? Share ‘em with your Starburst friends in the comments below! 

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