The wonderful Sigourney Weaver is currently in full-on pimp mode, hitting the promo circuit hard for her new movie, the Taylor Lautner action thriller ABDUCTION, and while you’ll be relieved to know we won’t be featuring that particular flick anywhere in Starburst, the actress has been dropping hints about projects you readers will definitely be interested in. Here’s some choice quotes from the star…


“I have yet to read the script, I’ve had a couple of calls and I know they’re rewriting. All I said was that I hope my son Oscar has grown up to be a Ghostbuster and Ivan Reitman said yes. Beyond that I have no idea. I hope it comes together, but we already did two wonderful films and if we have to let this one go, that’s fine.”

“I don’t think any of us would do it if Bill said no. Why would we do that? I think the whole point is to get together and have fun.”

Somebody should really tell Dan Aykroyd that, because as we reported last month, the actor/writer controversially stated they’ll be going ahead with or without Murray. Could a Venkman-less GB3 see Weaver drop out also?


“I actually talked to Ridley about this very idea, and I’m delighted he’s doing it. I feel it’s in good hands. It’s a wonderful franchise, and if they can invigorate the creature, it could have another life.”

“When you find the alien in the first movie with what we call the Space Jockey, the kind of strange creature with the elephant face… anyway, the eggs were in its ship, so where do they come from? So it’s like kind of following that storyline with, I hope, another great ensemble.”

We hope she’s right, but we think Weaver might be referring to a very early draft of the script, before it evolved beyond the simple prequel concept into its own thing. There’s no evidence that the Space Jockeys will even feature at all any more. Yet.

On AVATAR 2 & 3:

“Don’t worry, I will be back. Jim says no one ever dies in science fiction. He’s told me the stories for the next two movies and I have to say that they’re absolutely wonderful and there’s a real treat in store. Now we just have to make them.”

Interesting. We guess what with the Avatar technology anything’s possible regarding characters being resurrected. This could also leave the door open for the return of that Major Chip Hazard-lookin’ dude too! The AVATAR sequels will be shot back-to-back for a December 2014, and 2015 release.

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