Aware that us Twi-hards are finding it difficult to cope with the long wait for our Edward & Bella fix, makers Summit have kindly released something else to stare at while we countdown the days until November 18th. Cos as brilliant as it is, I’d nearly exhausted the complexities and subtle nuances of this first one…

So without further adieu, here it is guys – the brand new, totally fang-tastic (note I said ‘fang’, not ‘fan’!) poster for THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN – PART 1. Squuuuuueeeeeee!!!!

It’s like they’re staring straight into my soul. I can practically feel R-Patz’s eyes on me. Scanning my every–

I must go at once. Important… stuff to do. That definitely does not involve touching myself in the no-no area. For an hour. Or three. Squuuueeeeeeeeeee!

Thoughts? Share ’em with your fellow TWILIGHT fans in the Comments below!

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