While DC concentrate on flushing their rich 75 year heritage down the toilet, Marvel have retaliated by taking the bold route of actually telling some innovative storylines instead! None more so than this…

Coming this September, The House Of Ideas will release the first of a three-part mini-series that will pit The Hulk against Dracula himself. Even more interesting is the current fan speculation that this will result in not only the death of the popular character, but his subsequent resurrection as a Creature Of The Night!

Here’s the official synopsis, and quite frankly, it sounds awesome…

“As the possessed, power-enhanced Hulk wreaks havoc through the countryside, only one group stands between him and untold destruction: The Vampire Nation! Dracula gathers the newly-united vampire legions to stop the unstoppable, but as volley after volley fails, it appears their only hope may be a mysterious stranger from Dracula’s past.”

Check out the covers for #1 and #2 (Marvel haven’t released the third as of yet, further fuelling the fan theories)…

FEAR ITSELF: HULK VS. DRACULA hits stores in September. Sold!

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