Personally I’ve always found Shia LaBeouf’s honesty refreshing. Seems not everybody feels the same way.

As you might recall, LaBeouf has been quite vocal about his disappointment regarding some of his recent output, including the audience-dividing INDIANA JONES AND THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL SKULL – “I feel like I dropped the ball on the legacy that people loved and cherished,” the actor said after its release, “We had major discussions. Harrison wasn’t happy with it either. Look, the movie could have been updated. There was a reason it wasn’t universally accepted. I’ll probably get a call now . But he needs to hear this …. When you drop the ball you drop the ball.”

We’ve always wondered how Spielberg might have responded to that rather brutal critique, and we’ll probably have to wait until his memoirs are published to actually find out how much it stung. Now Harrison Ford on the other hand, we only had to wait a year or so…

“I think he was a f**king idiot,” he tells Details Magazine today.

Flippin’ ‘eck, Fordy – do you kiss Calista with that mouth!

Indy goes on to qualify the somewhat harsh remark, saying – “As an actor, I think it’s my obligation to support the film without making a complete a** of myself. Shia is ambitious, attentive, and talented – and he’s learning how to deal with a situation which is very unique and difficult.”

Good save.

How this will affect a fifth INDIANA JONES movie is anyone’s guess, but it’s a distinct possibility we might have seen the last of Mutt Williams should there be another. Maybe they should just get Short Round back instead.

Who do you side with on this? Is Ford justified in his diss, or is LaBeouf right to calls it as he sees it? Let us know with your comments below!

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