Remember last week when we were talking about the 300 prequel that’s currently in development? Well, after watching this – the new trailer for the upcoming IMMORTALS – you’ll ask yourself why they’re even bothering! The similarities to Zack Snyder’s flick are staggering, from the subject matter itself, to the cinematography – colour palette, over-reliance of ultra sloooooow moooootion – this thing is 300 redux. Hell, it even carries a ‘From The Producers of 300’ (always a tenuous boast) tagline to further convince the audience they’re seeing a sequel. Not saying it won’t bring anything new to the table when it’s released on the 11/11/11, I’ll definitely be checking it out – just unsure where the line is in terms of homage crossing over to cash-in. See what you guys think…

Tarsem Singh has always had a stunning visual aesthetic (see 2000’s underrated THE CELL and 2006’s THE FALL for evidence), but has garnered little love from audiences or critics, so it’ll be interesting to see if the 300-aping IMMORTALS will be the one to finally put the promising director on the map. Maybe it will usher in a return to originality further down the line…

Will you be checking this out? Let us know with your comments below!

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