I’ve been looking forward to reporting on the long gestating GHOSTBUSTERS 3 since our launch, but typically it’s all been quiet on the rumour front for the last few months. Until now…

News is coming in that the auditioning process has now begun, with the intention to start shooting in Chicago this July for a Christmas 2012 release.

The casting report issued also gives us an insight into the movie’s plot:

“A ragtag group of paranormal researchers reopen their notorious ghost removal service, and a new generation of Ghostbusters is brought on board to be green slimed and trained to contain the mischievous spirits.”

Wowzers, who on Earth wrote that synopsis? “On board to be green slimed”?! Is this our first clue to the validity of the rumour, or just sloppy copy? Hmmm.

So, has Bill Murray finally caved? It’s well known that the actor is hesitant to reprise his role as Peter Venkman (or even read the screenplay last I heard.) Problem is, writer/co-star Dan Ackroyd has always said that without Bill on board, the project will NOT go forward.

We’ll keep you all informed of any developments. In the meantime, it’s best if we take the above with a pinch of salt.

Do you guys even ‘want’ to see a GHOSTBUSTERS 3 or is it just me? If there’s a new generation of Ghostbusters, who would you cast? Let us know with your comments below!


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