We recently delighted in the fact David O’ Russell bailed on the movie adaptation of the UNCHARTED videogame series. Well, his replacement has just been announced…

Step forward Neil Burger!

Who? Ok, so he might not be up to O’ Russell’s pedigree, but if you’re familiar with the plans that particular director had for the movie (read about it here) you’d be as pleased as us. Burger on the other hand, being a relatively new director, is much more likely to try and honour the mythology rather than put his own stamp on it and mold it into something unrecognizable. Not that Burger is somebody to be sniffed at – his 2008 film THE ILLUSIONIST was critically acclaimed (though I personally preferred that years rival ‘rival magician’ movie THE PRESTIGE) and this year’s minor-box office hit LIMITLESS, starring Bradley Cooper (could he be our new Drake?).

Alright, alright – we’re just trying to be positive. We admit it. We’re slightly disappointed too.

(Why not console yourself by reading our early review of the awesome sounding Multiplayer feature on UNCHARTED 3: DRAKE’S DECEPTION?)

Who ‘should’ have directed the UNCHARTED then? Let us know with your comments below!

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