Sorry guys, looks like we’re in for a much longer wait for this than anybody thought. Lionsgate have now announced the official release date for DREDD… and it’s September 2012. Sigh. Is this case for concern? The movie’s been in production for a terribly long time. Or have Lionsgate just seen a gap in the schedule and playing tactical? We sincerely hope it’s the latter.

Read our previous DREDD coverage below…



Been wondering when we’ll get another look at Judge Dredd from his upcoming reboot? Wonder no more, for the folks at DNA Films have just issued a second official pic!

Check it out…

Hmmm. Is it just me or does Karl Urban look like he’s about to cry? Frankly I preferred the shot from earlier this year…

Now that’s more like it.

But where’s the rest, guys? The movie has got to be in post production now, so it’s odd that this is all we’ve got so far (dodgy possible fan-poster aside). How about a look at Mega City One, or even some concept art? JUNO’s Olivia Thirlby as Judge Anderson perhaps (she still seems too young to me)? Or our Editor’s favourite leading lady Lena Headey as villain Madeline ‘Ma-Ma’ Madrigal? I know it’s only a matter of time before the marketing machine kicks into high gear and we’re inundated with promo materials, but there’s a lot of fans out there pretty nervous about this project. After the abysmal 1995 Stallone vehicle, this is the Lawman’s last crack at a celluloid interpretation. Hopefully a trailer will arrive soon and put everybody’s minds at rest.

DREDD is directed by Peter Travis (VANTAGE POINT), based on a screenplay by 28 DAYS LATER writer Alex Garland, and while there’s no official release date as yet, several sources claim we’re looking at a December 2011 opening. We’ll keep you in the loop.


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