Franchise creator James DeMonaco has confirmed that he’s now making plans for another Purge movie; one that would be the last in the series.

Speaking to EW, DeMonaco said, “I have it in my head. I think I’m going to write it. I think it’s a great way to end it all. We want to end it all, I think, in this one, and I’m very excited. When I came up with the idea and pitched it to everybody, they seemed psyched, and I think it will be a really cool ending, how we take this one home.”

As a concept, The Purge is a fascinating idea. The notion that all crime is legal for a 12-hour period once every year lends itself to some great possibilities, and to date we’ve seen four movies and a TV series for The Purge.

Expect more on this modern horror favourite as we get it.

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