The Complete History of Candyman begins with an overview of the heyday of the horror genre and its sharp decline. Its succinct view tours through Hollywood’s changing landscape and horror’s renaissance during the Golden Age of slashers, which peaked between 1978 and 1984.

Written and directed by bestselling author Bryn Curt James Hammond, The Complete History of Candyman delves into the original trilogy that ran from 1992 to 1999, based on the short story The Forbidden by Clive Barker. The documentary presents an in-depth investigation into the series, the author and the up-and-coming Jordan Peele reboot from brand new and archival interviews with scholars and creators, from the voices who survived the genre’s past trends to those shaping its future.

The director has brought together extremely strong-minded talent to discuss the groundbreaking Bernard Rose classic and its sequels, including Shawn C. Phillips (Ghost Shark, Zombi VIII: Urban Decay, Dallas Jackson (Thriller, Welcome to Sudden Death), Robin Nassif (Warlock III: The End of Innocence, Halloween: Resurrection), and STARBURST’s own Robin Pierce.

The Complete History of Candyman is expected to be released on streaming platforms spring/summer 2021.

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