Some time ago there were murmurs that Warner Bros wanted Steven Spielberg to helm a new version of the Moses story GODS AND KINGS. Despite having LINCOLN and ROBOPOCALYPSE on his to do list it seems that Spielberg is now in active negotiation with the studio to take on the biblical epic.

The script spans Moses entire life from birth all the way to his death, including events such as his struggle against the Pharaoh, the ten plagues, the burning bush, parting the red sea and the Ten Commandments.

A massive biblical epic from Spielberg could be something to admire when it eventually comes out. With the advances in technology the massive biblical events depicted; like the parting of the red sea, could truly be astounding. Of course they are only in talks at the moment and nothing is set in stone, or indeed carved into stone commandments style. Anything that keeps him away from another Indiana Jones movie is a blessing.

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