Do you know who to blame for the current avalanche of found footage films? Director Oren Peli, that’s who. Ever since he quietly directed the first PARANORMAL ACTIVITY we have seen a deluge of cheaply made and increasingly banal imitators. Peli has since directed the “Paranormal Activity with aliens” movie AREA 51, which is currently sitting on a shelf gathering dust somewhere. He isn’t letting that stop him though and is currently busy as a producer on Rob Zombie’s THE LORDS OF SALEM and now GHOST TOWN, formerly titled THE DIARY OF LAWSON OXFORD.

GHOST TOWN takes place in an abandoned town which has been devastated by the radiation from a nuclear detonation. Nature has slowly started to retake the town and some friends start to hear inhuman wailing from the outskirts and realise they are not alone. The film will be directed by effects wizard and LET ME IN’s second unit director Bradley Parker, and will star a whole cast of unknowns.

The film is another in the tired looking found footage sub genre and is currently filming in Eastern Europe somewhere. Effects artists who make the jump to directing typically don’t really seem to be that successful, but there are exceptions of course, such as Gareth Edwards (MONSTERS) and Vincenzo Natali (CUBE). We’ll have to wait and see how this turns out.

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