This needs to be taken with a massive pinch of salt, but considering details about STAR WARS: UNDERWORLD (the long-proposed live-action TV show for those not keeping up) are woefully thin on the ground, it’s worth running this rumour that recently dropped over on AICN…

According to their source, who’s apparently close to the production in an undisclosed capacity, one of the first episodes will explore a popular sci-fi trope that has yet to be mined in the STAR WARS canon…

…time travel.

You got enough salt to hand? Good, then we can continue. The time travel device will play out in a story about characters utilizing the technology to go back and kill Darth Vader. Yes, it’s the oft-told ‘what if you could go back in time and prevent the holocaust from ever happening by eliminating a young Adolf’ story.

Maybe they’ll end up just locking Vader in a cupboard.

Time travel is always a prickly device and handled wrong can cripple dramatic tension in the narrative. If stuff goes wrong, characters die, simply pop back in time and fix it. Sorted. To mind, the only genre show that got this right was LOST, which basically pooh-poohed the notion that you could change anything. It always happened anyway. Until Faraday changed his mind late on in season 5 that is… but that was never really clarified.

Obviously we’ve got a long wait ahead of us to find out whether the rumour proves true or not, but it’s a fun one to speculate on in the meantime. What say you guys?

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