Inspired by the works of the cinematic legend and Master of Suspense, born on this day in 1899, Hex Studios’ latest venture, Black Chariot, has launched on Kickstarter. The film promises to be an intense and deeply disturbing supernatural horror. Director Lawrie Brewster (Lord of Tears) will be drawing from Alfred Hitchcock’s dark thrillers like Rebecca (1942) and Psycho (1960), to invoke the master’s spirit in his latest spine-chilling horror noir.

Director Lawrie Brewster shared, “Black Chariot is a love letter to the Master of Suspense, and my greatest cinematic inspiration, Alfred Hitchcock, so it seemed only fitting that we launch our campaign seeking support for the film on the date of his birth. Our eccentric pitch video even sees me pay a more personal homage to the great director, which I’m hoping fellow fans will enjoy!”

Starring horror legend Laurence R. Harvey (The Human Centipede), Black Chariot follows the plight of three young men who have fallen prey to the manipulative schemes of a nefarious bank manager (Harvey) who plans a heist to steal a mysterious red case, harbouring something of great value.

However, not all is as it seems, and not everything goes to plan. In the chaos, a guard is shot dead, and a frightened girl is taken hostage.

With the police on their heels, the three must press on into the dead of night, for somewhere deep within these eerie woods, a sinister figure known only as ‘The Devil’ awaits them.

Co-starring upcoming genre talent Megan Tremethick, Novarro Ramon, Dorian Todd, and Sam Barclay, as well as veterans Richard Pate and Nick Ford, the film is currently exclusively available to pre-order on Kickstarter, with a general release expected in April 2025.

You can sign up to the Hex Studio’s Patreon to keep up to date with news here.

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