Wattpad Webtoon Studios is tackling an adaptation of Hawk, its popular sci-fi webnovel by Mike Booth, and has tapped Christopher Yost – a Marvel Comics writer who moved to screenwriting with Thor: Ragnarok and The Mandalorian – to pen the planned animated series.
Booth’s webnovel, which was first released on Wattpad, the global writing and reading community, follows the adventures of space bounty hunter Kas Balera. When a disaster of epic proportions rocks the entire solar system, Balera must rally a stolen federal robot, a child genius and her trusty ship, the Calista, in order to save the galaxy from destruction.
“Mike Booth’s Hawk is everything I love in sci-fi — it’s action, adventure, mystery and intrigue, mind-blowing new worlds, aliens and tech, all wrapped around great characters, a found family and a future that’s worth fighting for,” said Yost in a statement. Beyond the aforementioned Star Wars and MCU titles, Yost has also worked on television projects including Star Wars: Rebels, Cowboy Bebop, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
“We’re absolutely thrilled to animate and bring the intergalactic story of ‘Hawk’ to life with Christopher because of his incredible genre and comics expertise,” said Madden, head of global entertainment for Wattpad Webtoon Studios. “He perfectly understands the galaxy-spanning world that author Mike Booth has created and sees the amazing opportunities for unique storytelling, memorable characters, and longevity that we have for this title.”