Star Wars 1313

The title’s been floating out there on the interwebs for a few weeks now, but today’s the first time Team Lucas have revealed what the hell STAR WARS 1313 actually is…

Next year will see the release of a new mature-audience video game based around the thriving criminal community of Coruscant’s underworld, Level 1313. In it, players will take control of a bounter hunter tasked with entering the subterranean area of the affluent planet to track down and kill marks using, as the press release describes, “a variety of exotic weaponry”. 

Given that the long in development, adult-themed TV show also revolves around this same corner of the universe (working title STAR WARS: UNDERWORLD), could this act as a way to get audiences unfamiliar with extended universe gubbins groomed for its inevitable debut in years to come? How could it not be!

Details about the game are understandably slim right now, but we can expect a bigger reveal at next week’s E3 conference. While we wait for more info to drop, go bookmark There’s little more than a bigger pic of that awesome concept art above, but they might update at any time… 

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