by Ed Fortune
With the Edinburgh Fringe 2023 almost here, we thought we’d look at some other Fringe theatre events before August to whet your appetite for fun. Of course, Fringe Theatre is an international movement, so let’s start with something a little bit outside of STARBURST’s usual geographical comfort zone; the Hollywood Fringe, which is currently running in Los Angeles, California, until June 25th, 2023.
Here’s our suggestion for shows you should check out if you just happen to be in the area.
Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring-Extended Edition, Part One
According to his mother, Riley Smith is the funniest person in the world, and with four years on USC’s Premier Improv team Commedus Interruptus under his belt, that may well be sort of true. Riley has chosen to re-imagine Peter Jackson’s classic adaptation of Professor Tolkien’s genre-defining fantasy classic, and we understand it might even be funny. A goofy, funny example of shared geeky joy, all on stage. Tickets can be found here.
Truly Outrageous: A Jem & The Holograms Parody Musical
80’s extended toy advert and inevitable queer icon Jem, and her band, The Holograms, have had something of a revival in recent years. Thanks in part to some rather fabulous comic books, lots of nostalgia and a 2015 movie. Though this Hollywood Fringe show appears to be very much a parody of the Hasbro franchise with its tongue rammed firmly into its cheek, it does look good. Also available via live stream. Find out more here and pick up tickets here.
Raise Your Hand… From the DEAD!
Over at STARBURST Towers, we love a bit of murder mystery horror, especially the highly camp theatrical kind that you only really get to see at fringe shows. This light-hearted, absurdist show takes itself just seriously enough to ask questions like ‘Who is the mysterious Doctor Manos?’ and “Is a disembodied hand really responsible for a string of murders” and “How hard can you laugh without turning red in the face?” Details about the theatre company Sacred Fools can be found here, and tickets are available via this link. Note that there is a live stream performance on Saturday, June 17 2023.
A one-man show that takes some of our oldest myths and remixes them through a modern, queer perspective? Portrayed using simple costumes, clever lighting, well-designed soundscapes and some rather intense acting? Yes, please, count us in. Tickets can be found here.
The Year That Carrie Fisher Died
Carrie Fisher died in 2016, which was also a year of social and political upheaval for many. This show is about two geeky friends, Lukas, a trans-male geek and his bipolar polyamorous pansexual bestie Quinn. Join them on a journey of discovery during difficult times, guided by all things fantasy, science fiction and fun. Tickets here.