Edinburgh Comic Con will be back again for its fifth year, cementing its home in the Edinburgh International Conference Centre as it pitches tents there for the third time over the weekend of the 14th and 15th of April.
The event’s dauntless high heidyin James Lundy has assembled another collection of individuals from various corners of nerd-dom, and the current line up of guests is as varied as ever.
From the world of comics we have Fabian Nicieza (co-creator of Deadpool, New Mutants, X-Men, X-Force, Cable & Deadpool), Andrea Tamme (Rick and Morty, Adventure Time, Black Light: District 6), Robbi Rodriguez (co-creator of Spider Gwen, FPB, Maintenance, Uncanny X-Force, New Mutants), Ben Herrera (Cable, X-Force/Cable, X-Man, Freex), Jorge Fornes (Wolverine and the X-Men, Amazing X-Men, Doctor Strange, Guardians of Infinity) and Drake Tsui (SIN, Riot Games), all of whom are making exclusive UK appearances. Other guests, with the audacity to also appear elsewhere, include Gary Erskine (Frontlines: Requiem, The Unwritten, The Authority, Star Wars, The Massive), Fernando Dagnino (Justice League: Generation Lost, Wonder Woman, Batman and the Outsiders), Gainluca Gugliotta (Secret Warriors, Klaws of the Panther, Mister Terrific, G.I. Joe), Mark Texeira (Black Panther, Ghost Rider, Jonah Hex), Monty Nero (Death Sentence, Amazing X-Men, Hulk, X-Men Gold) and CAFU (Avengers, Black Panther, Action Comics, Unity).
From film and TV land there is Rob Morgan (Stranger Things, Daredevil, Luke Cage, The Punisher, Defenders) and Briana Venskus (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, The Walking Dead, Supergirl, Outcast, The Vampire Diaries) as the exclusive guests, along with Stefan Kapicic (Deadpool, Counterpart, 24), Daz Crawford (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, Blade II, God of War), Dominic Keating (Star Trek: Enterprise, Heroes, Sons of Anarchy, Diablo III), Paul Amos (Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate, Lost Girl, Warehouse 13, Designated Survivor) and Joshua Herdman (Harry Potter, Thunderpants).
Vying for your time and attention over the two day event will be numerous panel discussions and interviews; a plethora of familiar faces from the indie comics scene flogging their past works and new titles; exhibition bouts from the Scottish School of Wrestling; prop and vehicle displays; an exhibition from professional Lego display designer Warren Elsmore; demonstrations of board and card games; a Nerf shooting range; free-to-play arcade machines; and a cosplay contest capping off the weekend.
A new feature this year is free workshops where industry professionals discuss the practicalities of independent comics, including the above mentioned Gary Erskine, who will be talking about designing characters and bringing them to life on page, and John Farman (The School of the Damned, Royal Decent) who will discuss the comic creation and publication side of things.
You can buy tickets online from the con website, and if you need any extra convincing you can read our coverage of the events from 2016 and 2017 to get an idea of the kind of time you’ll have.