In a recent Tweet, Moon director Duncan Jones has announced that he will be involved with an impending film adaptation of a comic book property. While he is keeping his cards close to his chest, Jones stated the following to his audience:

This was further backed by Shaun of the Dead creator Edgar Wright, who stated “I know what it is and I’m excited” in response to the announcement, but did not elaborate further.

Given Jones’ involvement with varied projects ranging from the Warcraft adaptation to Source Code, this could relate to almost any property. His filmography has displayed a devoted interest in the science fiction and fantasy genres, which means we could see any number of properties. Jones has previously displayed an interest in seeing 2000AD properties return to cinemas, specifically Sláine and Rogue Trooper.

While the Twitter account of the acclaimed Rogue Trooper fan film The Quartz Massacre has been dropping a few not-so-subtle hints, there has been no confirmation of any sort on Jones’ new project. Expect more news on this story as it develops.

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