STARBURST is saddened to learn of the death of Dick Miller, the legendary character actor who graced the screen in some of our favourite films of all time, at the age of 90.

Born on Christmas Day, 1928, Miller burst onto the cult movie scene in the fifties with starring roles in several Roger Corman productions, including A Bucket of Blood and The Little Shop of Horrors. His character from the former, Walter Paisley, would become a staple of movie in-jokes for years to come.

He became a familiar face to horror fans due to his cameo appearances in numerous high profile and cult classics, often popping up in films by Joe Dante, with major roles in Gremlins bringing him fame with a younger audience, as well as The Terminator, Night of the Creeps, and Martin Scorsese’s After Hours.

A documentary was made of his life in 2015, That Guy Dick Miller.

STARBURST sends our sincere thoughts to his family and friends.

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