With Legendary Entertainment at works on a live-action adaptation of Mobile Suit Gundam, a writer has now been found to tackle this hugely ambitious project.
Via Deadline, the ever-impressive Brian K. Vaughan has been brought in to pen the upcoming take on the famed anime. Vaughan, of course, is best known for comic books such as Y: The Last Man, Runaways, Ex Machine and Paper Girls.
Beginning life forty years ago as Yoshiyuki Tomino-directed anime, Gundam is a Japanese sci-fi extravaganza that centres on space colonies, intergalactic civil war, and some giant robots. To date, the property has ventured in to the realm of TV shows, novels, manga efforts, plentiful toys, and a whole host of other mediums.
No further details are known on this live-action Gundam film, but expect more on all of this as we get it.