Just when you thought there was already way, way too many DC-driven movies in various stages of development, Warner Brothers has confirmed another new picture.
As per Variety, the WB has brought in A Wrinkle in Time’s Ava DuVernay to helm New Gods; a film based on the Jack Kirby-created characters who debuted way back in 1971’s New Gods #1.
For those not familiar with these otherworldly sorts, the general crux of the New Gods title revolves around New Genesis and Apokolips. These twin planets were formerly joined together as Urgrund, but a cataclysmic split saw two very different worlds created. Initially, New Genesis was full of fresh forests, rivers, and stunning territory. Then there was Apokolips, a horrendous, polluted planet ruled by the nefarious Darkseid. A trade of sons between leaders Highfather and Darkseid led to an initial peace treaty of sorts between the pair, but, as ever in comics, trouble was around the corner. Being the no-good megalomaniac that he was and still is, Darkseid eventually got fed up of all this peace and so got to work on his Anti-Life Equation. What’s that, you say? Why, it’s a weapon that could destroy the entire universe.
All of this is simply the tip of the iceberg for these all-powerful characters, and we’ve already seen mention of the New Gods in the DC Extended Universe. Remember Steppenwolf in Justice League? Yep, he is indeed one of the New Gods. Specifically, in the comics he’s the uncle of Darkseid, while in the DCEU he’s been positioned as the nephew of Darkseid.
As ever, expect more on New Gods as we get it.