With Adam Green’s Hatchet having its UK premiere on Horror Channel tonight, director Green has moved to confirm that plans are afoot for more outings for Victor Crowley.

Speaking to Horror Channel about planning out the early stages of the franchise, Green explained, “A major reason why the Hatchet sequels have succeeded is that they were planned out from the very start. In the first film, I actually showed some of the weapons that Victor Crowley wouldn’t actually use until the later films and I held back crucial elements of his mythology to be revealed later on down the road. Of course, it was a risky move given that there was no way of knowing if I’d ever get to make the sequels.”

On bringing Kane Hodder’s Victor back for more movies, Green added, “Originally, I had only planned for Hatchet to be a trilogy. But when I decided to bring Victor Crowley back for more, I planned out another complete roadmap for where it could all go. With the success of Victor Crowley [as in, the fourth movie in the franchise] it looks like I’ll once again be able to make the sequels I have planned. I’ve been able to stay in love with Victor Crowley because I only head back into the swamp when I’m ready to do so. Given that Hatchet is a cult franchise and not a studio property, my crew and I have always been able to make each film only when we want to.”

As ever, expect more on the future of the Hatchet series as we get it.

In the meantime, Hatchet will premiere on Horror Channel this evening at 9pm.

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